woensdag 4 augustus 2010

Electronics of the future

Yesterday in our homegroup we were talking about the changes in technical devices and electronics through the time. We realized that 20 years ago there was no internet, that before this there were no computers and that there was even a time without television. It seems as if there is an exponential change and we were philosophising about what the future would look like. Maybe we will have pocketsize computers which we can control with our voice and the movement of our eyes. When we open them, a three dimensional hologram will appear that we can walk and move into. Maybe we can use this to communicate with people that are on the other side of the world, having meetings in electronic rooms projected in 3D by our computers. Maybe all of this sounds a little silly, but I do wonder what our world will look like in the future. We came to the conclusion that the best solution to escape this change would be to join the Amish and especially Neil was very exited about this idea…:-)

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